Sunday, March 1, 2009

A sentence by Emile Cioran

Cioran was a consummate master of lapidary aphorisms.
Here is one, dear to my heart:

On ne réfléchit que parce qu'on se dérobe à l'acte.
Penser, c'est être en retrait.

We reflect for no other reason than to avoid doing.
To think, is to be in withdrawal

It is true. I have pondered enough. To me, now, there is nothing else but Doing.


pendens proditor said...

"The Trouble With Being Born" is still my favorite book title.

Polymathicus said...

It is indeed hard to beat...:)

Anonymous said...

So what are you going to do? What did all this pondering get you? What can you do?

Polymathicus said...

I am certainly not going to tell an anonymous what I will do.
Make yourself known and perhaps you''ll know...